So, where is the redeeming part you ask? TIRAMISU. We both absolutely love tiramisu and are self-proclaimed experts on this Italian delicacy. I made it once when we lived in Louisiana and it was awful (too much brandy). So, this was my chance at redemption. Redemption from that alcohol soaked dessert and redemption from the sad strawberry birthday cake. I found the recipe in a Cooks Illustrated Magazine that I bought for 8 bucks at Earthfare. (realized it later and was annoyed) I made sure I had all the right ingredients and on Thursday I embarked on a fabulous journey of making this homemade tiramisu. The excitement built as I tasted the cream and it was delightful. I assembled various sizes of the tiramisu and put it safely in the refrigerator to set. Oh, I just knew it was going to be amazing. Friday night was the big night...the unveiling of this wonderfulness. After the first bite I was swept away to a happy place; maybe even an Italian Cafe in a small village. It was absolutely amazing!! And it only got better!!!
Adam loved it. We both needed this after the birthday cake incident. I will spend the next year perfecting Strawberry Cake, so that next year for his birthday, it will be as perfect as the Tiramisu. (if you have a recipe, share it!!)