is it annoying that i start every "charis update" with I CANNOT BELIEVE....this time it's that she is ONE and a HALF or 18 months since we are still aging in months. the sass and feistiness have kicked into high gear. she is a friggin blast these days. so stinkin cute. sometimes she reminds me of a giant gummy bear and i just want to squeeze her. we are staying busy for sure and i'm trying to soak it all up and in. i have to admit that it's hard at times. i mean, taking a step back and getting perspective it's not, but in the moment it can be. plus i've just been emotional with how wacky our lives are. i am extremely thankful to have Charis in the midst of all this "long suffering" with my health, job stuff, and financial uncertainty. there has been a moment or two where i've just wanted to sit and cry. maybe i'm not cut out for this. maybe i am. i think God knew/knows what he's doing, so i'll trust him.
she loves her purchase ever..thankyou consignment sale
- Charis is still a great eater and she's also at the age where she actually looks at things before she puts them in her mouth and maybe if it looks different she'll slam her mouth shut, lean back and nod her head "no." after a couple tries she'll sometimes give in and eat. or she'll eat something a few times then all of sudden is over it. she had risotto w/ spinach and asparagus recently and loved it. of course by the 2nd or 3rd time (okay, maybe i'm guilty of wearing things out) she realized she was eating something green and spit the asparagus out. ho hum. the other day's lunch was a smorgus-borg with curried chick peas, chickenless chicken nuggets, black beans and rice and a smoothie. i'm always amazed with her appetite.
enjoying the farmer's market
- She is talking a lot. recently she said butterfly but it sounds more like "fuffafy" and is so stinkin cute. i got her some new pjs with butterflies on them so she's saying it a lot. when she wakes up she almost always says, "mommy...daddy...bugilickaloogow..." it's hilarious. she is even putting words together (before you judge me as that obnoxious mom, by no means is she talking in sentences or doing anything out of the ordinary...i think i'm just amazed at how she is making connections. perhaps that is why i was a child development's fascinating). she'll put "swing" and "wee" together b/c we say weeeeeeeeeeee when we swing. she puts "car" and "ride" together b/c she loves loves loves to take rides in her car. she says "nigh nigh" at bed time and nap time, or when she wakes up and throws her dollie and blankets out of the crib. so, she is talking in equal parts real words and jibberish.
making faces
- we celebrated our 2nd Easter with her and this year she was way more aware of the easter basket and the toys in it. we also had our first egg hunt which was fun for about 5 eggs. but it was fun to see her "hunt" for just a bit. then she played in the sand table for a while. which i was surprised about b/c she doesn't usually like her hands dirty. Easter is hands down my favorite holiday...admittedly b/c of the baskets & candy but mostly b/c at a young age i really seemed to get the importance of Jesus' death and resurrection. as i've gotten older i understand even more what this means for me and love to see it lived out in creation too.
playing in the sand table
she found an what?!
- we went to my dad's for easter which means we got to go swimming. let me re-phrase that, Adam and Charis went swimming. she LOVED it and had no fear. adam put her under some and she'd come out saying peek-a-boo. i'm excited about getting in the pool with her some this summer too. i think we'll really have to watch her b/c she was walking up to the edge like it was no big deal. we went back to my dad's on Saturday and Charis was itching to get in the pool even with the water being so cold. we put her on the steps and soon she was venturing out (as far as she could with us holding onto her). so my brother, uncle john, got in with her and she was loving it, naked and all. when we got her out and dressed she was walking up to the edge and would have walked right in if we weren't holding onto her. can't wait to go back to the pool and see what she does when someone is in the pool for her to walk to. crazy girl, i love it.
loves the pool...she might be a fish
- peek-a-boo is a favorite game. but she says something like "bee boo."
she wanted to wear my headlamp
- potty i've decided to get serious about the potty in june when i'm done working. but i have to admit that she likes to use her potty a lot. recently she pointed to her diaper and said "poo poo" so i took off her (dry) diaper and sat her on the potty where she proceeded to got it, poo poo. a lot of the times she just tells us she has pee pee already in her diaper. but i'm noticing she's staying dryer for longer and goes pee pee or poo poo most every time she sits on the potty. she also really enjoys flushing the big potty. we are waiting for the day when she puts dollie or something else in it. i thought kids were afraid of the flushing. so, we'll keep you posted on if she's in "big girl undies" next month. oh, i've been debating about saying "undies" or "panties." i think panties has become such a sexualized term. things that make you go hmmmmmmm. and for the first time today, she pooed on the floor. nice. happy mother's day to me.
easter basket goodies...toy bus is her favorite
- we've been able to hang out with my twin nieces lately. they are now 6 months old and the cutest twins EVER. they are so beautiful. my sister is amazing...i don't know how she does it. i almost had a breakdown and it wasn't even that bad. i mean, charis did try to bop them on the head while i tried to fee them. and they get each other is crying, you get her calmed down then the other starts and you get the idea. we have fun with them. it's fun to think about what it'll be like having them grow up so close together in age and geography. i'm pretty excited about that.
i mean--those eyes, lips, cheeks....they are scrumpteous
- she loves going to school and child watch at the Y. i am so glad. and it does feel great to hear the teachers enjoy her. today at the Y they made a tile with her handprint on it for mother's day. so sweet.
she slept with a toy watch on her wrist
- she loves to put things over her head. probably not always good things. like strings and ribbons. recently the trash bag was cinched and she put the tie around her head. she also put one of our duffels around her head and walked around. it's pretty cute and semi-dangerous. but that's how we roll.
probably not the safest thing to do
- i'm thinking a lot about the words i use to describe her. when i write this i know you are going to think i'm crazy, but i spend a lot of time thinking about story. so i think we are playing a big part in the "writing" of her story. the words we use to describe her will have the potential to shape her. yet i'm also aware that these words really do describe her. i know i can over think it, but i don't want to be careless or even ignorant about my affect on her as she grows. all that to say, we are seeing how strong-willed she is and that she does have a bit of sass and lots of feistyness to her personality. it's like at times she knows what she wants and won't back down til she gets it. really?! this can happen at 18 months?! sometimes i get so hellbent on something, like saying please, and she just won't do it. she is also extremely sweet and lovey. i have to admit that she's even a little independent. i'm trying to learn how to not make these words her identity but to nurture them in ways that will dignify her as she grows. i'll let you know how that goes in 13 years. :)
- she loves to give hugs and kisses. her teachers at school tell me that she and desiree are always hugging each other. i have a friend with a daughter who is 8 months older and she would tell me how good it is when she hugged her back for the first time. and it is such a sweet and yummy feeling. adam and i have always cherished the times she'd lay her head on our shoulder. now she hugs and that is like crack.
this really shows how much her hair is growing
i love being her mama. it's challenging and so fun. i still can't believe i'm a mom. and i'm learning that God has entrusted this gift to me. she makes me think a lot. i'm being challenged a bunch...about motherhood, story and God. it's pretty amazing.
1 comment:
I absolutely love your posts... I check for them often. It is so fun to see her growning and changng. I miss her so much so this helps!! I can see her wanting to pick out her clothes by the time she is two. just saying......
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