(this is our last "monthly" post, but we'll have lots ahead as she will keep being awesome and i'll want to share)
OH EM GEE homegirl is a mess and we are Looooooooooooving every bit of it. i'm sure i keep saying the same thing again and again, but she is for real a BUH-LAST! it's as if she has busted out of her shell. well, not that she's been in a shell. it's just that all of a sudden she is jabbering and full of toddler-type energy. we are constantly looking at each other in amazement at her. she is keeping us busy as we approach her 2nd birthday. yeah, i know! she's going to be 2! how crazy is that?! i'm constantly overwhelmed with this fact. anyway...i'm trying to be consistent and all that stuff. sometimes though it's hard. is she too young for us to screw her up? i'm thinking we'll keep the Barnabas Center in business for a while.
- so, she is a talker. lately she'll say anything (which means someone needs to watch what she says) we say. stringing together words into sentences ("i want mommy read book."), trying out new and bigger words, and sticking with short demands like, "water!" or "NO!" or "more!" which is great. NOT!
- she's discovered the alphabet. i think it started with one of her books..she loves to read. then all of a sudden she was sing-songing "now i know my..." which is so stinking cute. she loves the ABC song and will say "ABCD" whenever she sees letters. it's a totally new discovery for her and so fun to watch.
checking out the animals at the zoo
- she walked, i mean strolled, in another Race for the Cure with TEAM PATWA. and she was amazing! the walk was about 1 1/2 hours and we even went to an after party, which she had so much fun at. she was rocking her own pink uni in honor of her mama!
- she and Adam went to Louisiana together. they flew there for the weekend so Adam could hang out with some guys for some bachelor time. she was a trooper on her first plane trip. and she got to go to the ZOO for the first time where she said, "hi elephant" which adam caught on camera and was so cute. she also got to spend some great time with her paw paw and maw maw. adam also took her to the lakefront in Mandeville, which is one of our favorite places.
at the Mandeville lakefront
this is adam's cousin, Mo, i love the way she is looking at him
- she loves to read...in bed, on the potty, in the car, everywhere. it's fun now because she's recognizing books and saying words that actually match up. i am obsessed with watching her learn!
reading on the potty...that's how we roll
- she wakes up yelling my name lately. it's kinda hilarious and annoying to hear her hollering "Amy! Amy!" within minutes of waking. she trips me out. recently she said, "Amy, where are you?" out.of.control.
- she loves being outside and now that the weather is awesome, we are trying to get out more...going on walks mostly. i love the FAll. LOVE IT. and i think she does too. i mean, who doesn't love some fresh air and sunshine!?
we are staying busy...hence why this post is so late. if i could freeze things right now, i would. now, i know 3 is fun and so is 4 and it just keeps getting better. for me, though, i love right now. partly because i don't spend too much time looking ahead, i'm trying to enjoy today. and i am. i sometimes miss when she was in my tummy and we were anticipating her, or when she was itty bitty new. but, i love everything about this little lady who cuddles with me in her "new bed" and gives hugs and says, "hi luuuuv you." don't worry, she still whines and cries and challenges the heck out of me. i guess i'm trying to enjoy that too. i'm so thankful God gave me this chance to be her mama. so thankful.
What a sweet update. Enjoy it all1
Oh Amy.... I love this post. I love her pictures....the one brushing her teeth.. the one at the zoo... the one at the lakefront... Oh I love them all. I especially love how she is looking at Mo. She looks so grown up in that picture. Thank you for every post as it is so hard to be far from her... I love you all!!!!
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